Few people seem to realize that traveling can actually increase the value of their money. But not just any sort of travel will accomplish this aim, one must have a carefully planned itinerary of where one wants to travel. Most of the widely accepted currencies allow one to increase his or her assets with little difficulty.
When you take a currency like the British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR) or U.S. Dollar (USD) to certain countries and exchange it into the local currency, it can increase in worth by one, three, even five times or more from its previous value. This kind of increase makes world travel very possible -- simply by crossing the borders of some countries your bankroll instantly increases in value.
Traveling for short vacations can be expensive due to the high costs of plane tickets and getting temporarily settled into a new location. However, traveling for extended periods of time (for one month to a couple or years) actually saves money through the decrease of major transportation costs and getting settled into a foreign place. So when taking a trip it is often best to think one big vacation (saves money) rather than a few short vacations (costs more).
When planning a budget trip aim for countries that offer a good exchange rate against your currency. You can find currency exchange rates at http://www.xe.com. Using this as a guide you can make a list of the countries with good exchange rates that you would like to visit. You can also check travel websites for recommendations on cheap countries to visit, and the average cost a day for traveling within.
You can choose one cheap country to stay in for your entire vacation, or choose several to travel to. If you are going to several countries you can plan an itinerary where cheap countries are adjoined; for instance, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
If the countries are not neighbors you can buy an Round-the-World ticket. These tickets allow you to travel from country to country as planned within a certain period of time. Round-the-World tickets are usually available for very reasonable prices and may be found by doing an internet search.
With an itinerary to visit cheap countries extended travel becomes very possible as your money substantially increases. You can take $1,000, travel to select countries, and have that $1,000 swell to the equivalent of $3,000, $5,000, or more. So save up, make a simple plan, and you're on your way.